Monday, September 6, 2010

Hooked on Yoga

Yesterday I was hanging out at home waiting for a friend to come over to pick something up. Instead of vegging out in front of the computer, I was trying to find something to do to fill that hour or so. On my bookshelf was a yoga book that I picked up years ago when I worked at the gym. Back then I was training for triathlon and I used to do yoga to stay limber.

Remembering how much I enjoyed it, I pulled out the dusty book, opened it up and started looking through it. I found descriptions of each of the poses and further in, classic Iyengar yoga routines that I could do. The combination of breathing, concentration and poses made it a moving meditation for me.

After doing a beginner routine of standing poses, I didn't want to stop. I looked even further in the book and found therapeutic yoga routines for various ailments such as backache, migraine, fatigue, tense shoulders and neck, etc. The one that interested me was the routine for stiff hips as this is usually the area of my body with a lot of problems. Halfway through, my friend showed up so I stopped, gave her what she came to pick up and then gathered my husband for a hike.

On the hike, I noticed an immediate difference. All the stretching had really loosened up my muscles. Where I would normally feel aches and pains, I felt nothing. It was wonderful. Now I'm hooked. Yoga is going to be a practice I do at least once a week.

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